

报告题目:Additive Manufacturing of Bio-inspired Structures via Multi-scale, Multi-material, and Multi-functional 3D Printing

报 告 人:陈勇 教授

时    间:20211224日,下午230

地    点:浙江大学机械工程学院教一411会议室

主 持 人:贺永 教授





Many natural structures out-perform conventional synthetic counterparts due to the specially evolved multi-scale, multi-material, and multi-functional architectures. However, most current 3D printing systems are designed to fabricate parts using a single material on a single scale, mainly for structural purposes. Such complex yet beautiful designs existing in natural structures are far beyond the fabrication capability of current 3D printing systems. This talk will report some of our recent work on developing new multi-scale, multi-material, and multi-functional additive manufacturing processes to fabricate bio-inspired structures, including the lobster structure, the nacre shell structure, the Salvinia Molesta leave structure, the limpet tooth structure, etc. After a brief overview of current 3D printing technology, several additive manufacturing (AM) processes to fabricate complex reinforcement architectures and functional surfaces will be presented. Some novel designs and promising applications enabled by the 3D-printed structures will also be discussed. The talk will conclude with remarks and thoughts on future 3D printing developments and potential opportunities for mechanical engineers.
