报告题目:Recent Advanced on Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
报告人:Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, THAILAND?xml:namespace>
The talk starts with a brief review of general approaches for multiobjective optimization with particular attention to the Pareto frontier and the metrics for comparison of Pareto frontiers. A review of several key literatures over the past two decades includes multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA), non-dominated sort genetic algorithm (NSGA), movement strategies for multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) and movement strategies for multiobjective differential evolution (MODE). Some results based on direct comparison using standard job shop scheduling benchmark problems are cited.
Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul简介:
His industrial experiences include full time technical positions in FORTUNE 500 Companies such as Compaq Computer Corporation and Motorola Incorporated in the U.S.A. He had also worked as consultant for SEMATECH, USA, in the capacity of technical coordinator of the future factory program for microelectronic industry in early 1990’s. Prior to taking position in industry, he held teaching position (1982-1989) at The University of Iowa, USA.
He returned to Thailand in 1996 and later joined AIT in 1998. Besides his academic activities, he has also been serving in various advisor capacities to companies and government agencies. He also serves in the editorial capacity of various international journals. His teaching and research interests include evolutionary computational techniques, planning and scheduling, simulation, enterprise resource planning, supply chain modeling, high performance computing and applied operations research with special emphasis on industrial systems. He can be reached at email address <voratas@ait.asia> .