主讲人 :张宗勤教授
Zongqin Zhang, Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
The University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881
Professional Preparations:
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, NSF Center for Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies, Duke University, 1990
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Duke University, May 1990
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Duke University, May, 1987
B.S. in Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Professional Experiences:
1/1991 -- present Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rhode Island
1/1992 – 2000 Consultant for the US Environmental Protection Agency, Health Effects Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC
1982 - 1985 Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
1970 - 1978 Engineer, The NanJing Refrigeration General, Nanjing, China
- Recipient of the Chinese National World Bank Scholarship for Graduate Study in the United States (1985)
- Albert E. Carlotti Award for Faculty Excellence in Engineering, University of Rhode Island (1995)
- Scientific Achievement Award for Publication by the US EPA Science Advisory Board (1996)
- Vincent and Estelle Murphy Award for Faculty Excellence in Engineering, University of Rhode Island (2008)
Research Interests:
- Aerosol Transport in human respiratory tract
- Microfluidics
- Green Energy Technologies
Summary of Research Achievements:
1. Over100 pee reviewed professional publications.
2. PI or Co-PI of over 5.5 million $ research grants including 4 NSF, 4 USEPA, 2 Whitaker Bioengineering Foundation and 2 Phillip Morris USA
3. 5 US patents
4. Ad hoc research proposal reviewer for US, Canada, Korea, and Hong Kong government research agencies.