Academic Report: Sustainable Cybernetic Manufacturing: A Research Overview at KTH


主题:Sustainable Cybernetic Manufacturing: A Research Overview at KTH

报告人:Lihui Wang, Professor and Chair of Sustainable Manufacturing, KTH

时间:2019419日 上午900




Cybernetic manufacturing aims for flexible and adaptive manufacturing operations locally or globally by using integrated technologies that can combine the advanced computing power with manufacturing equipment. In recent years, research on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data have been active in such areas like transportation, smart home, robotic surgery, aviation, defence, critical infrastructure, etc. The advancements in CPS, IoT, and Big Data also positively affected manufacturing in form of Cyber-Physical Production Systems, Industrial Internet of Things, and Big Manufacturing Data Analytics. The ambition is to largely enhance manufacturing automation and control through machine-embedded intelligence. Moreover, the advancements in Web-, Internet-, and Cloud-based systems and applications have opened up the possibility for industries to utilise the cyber workspace to conduct efficient and effective daily operations from anywhere around the clock, e.g. in cloud manufacturing environments. On the other hand, manufacturing sustainability and related directives have become unavoidable issues that future factories must address. Research works, in particular in the context of Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet, are emerging. Altogether they contribute to the realisation of Sustainable Cybernetic Manufacturing. Within the context, this seminar will provide an overview of research activities at KTH.


Lihui Wang is a Professor and Chair of Sustainable Manufacturing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. His research interests are focused on cyber-physical systems, cloud manufacturing, predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring and control, human-robot collaborations, adaptive and sustainable manufacturing systems. Professor Wang is actively engaged in various professional activities. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Manufacturing ResearchJournal of Manufacturing Systems, and Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. He has published 8 books and authored in excess of 450 scientific publications. Professor Wang is a Fellow of CIRP, SME and ASME, Chairman of Swedish Production Academy, and Secretary of North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME.

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