Academic Report: Machining Inside the Blood Vessel: Grinding of Calcified Plaque and Cutting of Clots


主题:Machining Inside the Blood Vessel: Grinding of Calcified Plaque and Cutting of Clots

报告人:Albert Shih

时间:2019年4月18日 下午3:00

地点:玉泉校区 邵科馆211会议室



Two minimally-invasive, catheter-based biomedical machining processes to open the blockage inside blood vessels are presented.  The atherectomy for internal grinding of calcified plaque and mechanical thrombectomy for cutting of blood clots are common procedures with opportunities for improvements. Atherectomy utilizes a small (1.25 to 2.5 mm diameter diamond grinding wheel) rotating up to 230,000 rpm to grind the calcified plaque, which failed to be opened using the balloon angioplasty procedure, and restore the blood flow.  The motion and force of the grinding wheel, fluid dynamics, debris size, and temperature in atherectomy are studied.  Mechanical thrombectomy physically removes the blood clots by cutting to restore the blood flow.  The current vacuum suction and stent retriever thrombectomy devices failed to remove tough, difficult-to-cut high fibrin blood clots.  A cutting-based device using a high-speed rotating tool at the tip of the catheter tube and the vacuum for suction of the debris is investigated.  Future atherectomy and mechanical thrombectomy devices to enable better treatment are presented.

Albert Shih is Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Institute of Gerontology at the University of Michigan.  He received PhD from Purdue University in 1991 and was an advanced manufacturing process engineer at Cummins (1991-1998) and an Associate Professor at NC State University Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1998-2002).  He has been a faculty at the University of Michigan since 2003.  In 2017, he was the Assistant Director of Education and Workforce in the Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO) at Gaithersburg, Maryland.  Dr. Shih’s research area is manufacturing.  He is a pioneer in biomedical manufacturing, the application of manufacturing technologies to advance the safety, quality, efficiency and speed of healthcare service and biomedical science.  He has 10 US patents, a textbook in Analysis of Machining and Machine Tools, and authored or co-authored over 200 archival journal papers, 110 conference papers in manufacturing and biomedical sciences.  Dr. Shih is the recipient the Fulbright Scholar, SME Taylor Medal in manufacturing research, ASME Milton Shaw Manufacturing Research Medal and Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award, Society of Automotive Engineers Ralph Teetor Educational Award, and Best Paper awards in ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (ICFDM).  Dr. Shih is the President-Elect of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute (NAMRI) of SME, Fellow of both ASME and SME, and associate member of CIRP.  

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