Academic Report:Materials Issues in Additive Manufacturing


报告题目:Materials Issues in Additive Manufacturing

报告人:David L. Bourell




报告摘要:This presentation has four parts.  First is a brief review of the historical developments in additive manufacturing (AM), dating back ~150 years.  Research and technological developments are divided into three categories: prehistory (~1860-1960) in which computers were not used; precursors (~1965-1985) for which computers were known to the inventors but not the general public; modern AM processes (~1984-).  Second is a survey of the current status of the AM field which includes phenomenal growth over the last ten years.  Third, a brief review of polymer and metal feedstock will be provided. Here, AM process demands limit the types of feedstock that may be used.  Finally, current research at The University of Texas at Austin related to polymer mechanical properties in laser sintering will be presented.  It is demonstrated that the usual energy density approach to part quality is not completely satisfactory.  A new approach based on the total part thermal exposure (laser and part bed temperature) is adequate to predict a more complete range of part mechanical properties.


Dr. David L. Bourell is the Temple Foundation Professor of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Bourell's areas of research include particulate processing with emphasis on sintering kinetics and densification, and materials issues associated with Laser Sintering (LS). Professor Bourell is a leading expert in advanced materials for Laser Sintering, having worked in this area since 1988. Heholds 9 primary patents dealing with materials innovations in LS dating back to 1990 and has published 250 papers in journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. Dr. Bourell is a Fellow of ASM International and TMS, and he is also a lifetime member of TMS. In 2009, he received the TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award. In 2017, he received the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Albert M. Sargent Progress Award for “significant accomplishments in the field of manufacturing processes”.

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