ZHOU Xiaojun


Basic information
Teacher Name:Xiaojun Zhou
Job title:Professor

Xiaojun Zhou, male, in April, 1958 was born. Zhejiang University machine manufacture and automated specialized Ph. doctor. Zhejiang University machinery and energy engineering college professor. Zhejiang University machine manufacture and automation, vehicles project specialized Ph. doctor graduate student teacher. Zhejiang University modern manufacture project research institute vice-manager. Chinese Mechanical Engineering Academic society NDT Academic society director, Zhejiang Province mechanical engineering academic society director, Zhejiang Province NDT academic society vice-director concurrently secretary general, Zhejiang Province safety in production expert group expert. Is selected Zhejiang Province “151 talented person engineering effort”.

After 1982 undergraduate course graduates is engaged in the test and the control, the machine manufacture, the vehicles engineering, signal processing and NDT teaching, the scientific research and the application system development work. In the aviation, the vehicles made the domain to play an important role research and development many items large-scale, the complex experimental system have formed certain industrial influence. Completed including the national natural sciences fund, the model project, the province department fund, and the cooperation project scientific research topic more than 40 terms. Publishes paper near 200.

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