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Profile |
Yuan-Liu Chen Professor, State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Institute of Micro-Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China Email: Phone: +86 13486183967
Education: 2009/09-2014/10:Ph. D, Zhejiang University, China. 2012/03-2014/03:Co-training Ph. D, Tohoku University, Japan. 2005-2009:B. Sc, Zhejiang University, China
Employment: 2018/03-Present:Research Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University. 2016/10-2018/03:Associate Professor, Department of Finemechanics, Tohoku University, Japan. 2015/04-2016/09:JSPS Research Fellow, Tohoku University, Japan. 2014/10-2015/03:Post-doc, Tohoku University, Japan.
Research interests: Ultra-precision manufacturing: Development of diamond cutting and in-process metrology integrated techniques for next-generation precision manufacturing Precision surface metrology: Development of new prototype scanning probe microscopy and nano-probes for large area metrology of microstructured surfaces Optical sensors: Development of optical sensors for precision positioning of motion stages used for machine tools, coordinate measuring machines, etc.
Representative awards: Young Researcher Award, 2013, granted by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering (JSME). 2013. Research Fellow Scholarship, 2015, granted by Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Best Paper Award, 2016, granted by the 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (Nanoman 2016) Best Paper Award, 2018, granted by Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE)
Editorial and Academic Services Research Affiliate, International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) Editor Board, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (SCI-index) Member, Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE)
Publications (SCI-index journal papers): [1] Y.L. Chen, Y. Machida, Y. Shimizu and W. Gao. A stitching linear-scan method for roundness measurment of small cylinders. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology. 2018, Accepted and InPress. [2] Y.L. Chen, Y. Cai, M. Xu, Y. Shimizu and W. Gao. An edge reversal method for precision measurement of cutting edge radius of single point diamond tools. Precision Engineering. 50 (2017), 380-387. [3] Y.L. Chen, Y. Cai, K. Tohyama, Y. Shimizu and W. Gao. Auto-tracking single point diamond cutting on non-planar brittle material substrates by a high-rigidity force controlled fast tool servo. Precision Engineering. 49 (2017), 253-261. [4] Y.L. Chen, J. Tamada, Y. Kudo, S. Madokoro, K. Nakamura and W. Gao. Optical frequency domain angle measurement in a femtosecond laser autocollimator. Optics Express.25 (2017), 16725-16738. [5] Y.L. Chen, Z. Niu, D. Matsuura, J.C. Lee, Y. Shimizu, W. Gao, J.S. Oh and C.H. Park. Implementation and verification of a four-probe motion error measurement system for a large-scale roll lathe used in hybrid manufacturing. Measurement Science and Technology. 28 (2017) 105004. [6] Y.L. Chen, Y. Shimizu, Y. Kudo, S. Ito and W. Gao. Mode-locked Laser Autocollimator with an Expanded Measurement Range. Optics Express. 24, 14(2016), 15554-15569. [7] Y.L. Chen, Y. Cai, Y. Shimizu, S. Ito, W. Gao, B. F. Ju. On-machine measurement of microtool wear and cutting edge chipping by using a diamond edge artifact. Precision Engineering 43 (2016): 462-467. [8] Y.L. Chen, S. Ito, H. Kikuchi, Y. Shimizu, W. Gao. On-line qualification of a micro probing system for precision length measurement of micro-features on precision parts. Measurement Science and Technology. 27 (2016): 074008. [9] Y.L. Chen, S. Wang, Y. Shimizu, S. Ito, W. Gao, B.F. Ju. An in-process measurement method for repair of defective microstructure by using a fast tool servo with a force sensor. Precision Engineering. 39 (2015): 134-142. [10] Y.L. Chen, Y. Shimizu, S. Wang, S. Ito, B.F. Ju,W. Gao. Self-evaluation of the cutting edge contour of a micro diamond tool with a force sensor integrated fast tool servo on an ultra-precision lathe. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 77 (2015): 2257-2267. [11] Y.L. Chen, Y. Cai, Y. Shimizu, S. Ito, W. Gao, B. F. Ju. Ductile cutting of silicon microstructures with surface inclination measurement and compensation by using a force sensor integrated single point diamond tool. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 26 (2015): 025002. [12] Y.L. Chen, W.L. Zhu, S. Yang, B.F. Ju, Y. Ge. Large-area profile measurement of sinusoidal freeform surfaces using a new prototype scanning tunneling microscopy. Precision Engineering. 38 (2014): 414-420. [13] Y.L. Chen, W. Gao, B.F. Ju, Y. Shimizu, S. Ito. A measurement method of cutting tool position for relay fabrication of microstructure surface. Measurement Science and Technology. 25 (2014): 064018. [14] Z. Niu, Y.L. Chen, Y. Shimizu, H. Matsukuma, W. Gao. Error separation method for precision measurement of the run-out of a microdrill bit by using a laser scan micrometer measurement system. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2 (2018): 1-12. [15] Z. Niu, Y.L. Chen, D. Matsuura, J.C. Lee, R. Kobayashi, Y. Shimizu, S. Ito, W. Gao, J.S. Oh and C.H. Park. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 18 (2017): 651-660. [16] Y. Cai, Y.L. Chen, Y. Shimizu, S. Ito, W. Gao. Molecular dynamics simulation of subnanometric tool-workpiece contact on a force sensor-integrated fast tool servo for ultra-precision microcutting. Applied Surface Science, 369 (2016): 354–365. [17] Y. Cai, Y.L. Chen, Y. Shimizu. MD simulation of elastic-plastic transition associated with tool-workpiece contact in FS-FTS. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, (2016), in press. [18] S. Ito, Y.L. Chen, Y. Shimizu, et al. Uncertainty analysis of slot die coater gap width measurement by using a shear mode micro-probing system. Precision Engineering. 43 (2016): 525-529. [19] W. Gao, Y.L. Chen, K.W. Lee, Y.J. Noh, Y. Shimizu, S. Ito. Precision tool setting for fabrication of a microstructure array. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. 2013, 62(1): 523-526. [20] B.F. Ju, Y.L. Chen, W. Zhang, F.Z. Fang. Rapid measurement of a high step microstructure with 90 degrees steep sidewall. Review of Scientific Instruments. 83 (2012): 013706. [21] B.F. Ju, Y.L. Chen, W. Zhang, W. Zhu, F.Z. Fang. Long range and accurate measurement of deep trench microstructures by a specialized scanning tunneling microscope. Review of Scientific Instruments. 83 (2012): 056106. [22] B.F. Ju, Y.L. Chen, Y. Ge. The art of electrochemical etching for preparing tungsten probes with controllable tip profile and characteristic parameters. Review of Scientific Instruments. 82 (2011): 013707. [23] B.F. Ju, Y.L. Chen, M. Fu, Y. Chen, Y. Yang. Systematic study of electropolishing technique for improving the quality and production reproducibility of tungsten STM probe. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 155 (2009): 136-144. [24] S. Ito, H. Kikuchi, Y.L. Chen, Y. Shimizu, et al. A micro-coordinate measurement machine (CMM) for large-scale dimensional measurement of micro-slits. Applied Sciences. 6 (2016): 6050156. [25] Y. Shimizu, Y. Kudo, Y.-L. Chen, S. Ito, and W. Gao. An Optical Lever by using a Mode-Locked Laser for Angle Measurement. Precision Engineering, 47 (2016): 72-80. [26] J. Tamada, K. Yukitoshi, Y.-L. Chen, Y. Shimizu and W. Gao. Determination of the Zero-position for an Optical Angle Sensor. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems and Manufacturing. 10 (2016), 1-10. [27] Y. Ge, W. Zhang, Y.L. Chen, J. Chao, B.F. Ju. A reproducible electropolishing technique to customize tungsten SPM probe: From mathematical modeling to realization. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 213 (2013):11-19. [28] Y. Shimizu, S. L. Tan, D. Murata, T. Maruyama, S. Ito, Y.L. Chen, Wei Gao. Ultra-sensitive angle sensor based on laser autocollimation for measurement of stage tilt motions. Optics Express 24 (2016): 2788-2805. [29] X. Chen, Z. Ren, Y. Shimizu, Y. L. Chen, W. Gao. Optimal polarization modulation for orthogonal two-axis LIoyd’s mirror interference lithography. Optics Express 25 (2017) 22237-22252 [30] X. Chen, Y. Shimizu, X. Xiong, Y. L. Chen, W. Gao. Self-calibration of Fizeau interferometer and plannar gratings in littrow setup. Optics Express 25 (2017) 21567-21582. [31] Y. Shimizu, R. Aihara, K. Mano, C. Chen, Y. L. Chen, X. Chen, W. Gao. Design and testing of a compact non-orthogonal two-axis LIoyd’s mirror interferometer for fabrication of large-area two-dimensional scal grating. Precision Engineering In Press. |