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FU Xin


Basic information
Teacher Name:Xin Fu
Job title:Professor

FU Xin

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: +86 571 8795 3040

Fax:   +86 571 8795 3040

Email:  xfu@zju.edu.cn

Office: Institute of Mechatronics Control Engineering

Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus

No.38 Zheda Road

Hangzhou, China 310027


After he received his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Leoben, Austria, in 1998, He joined the faculty of mechanical engineering in Zhejiang University, China. He was appointed the director of the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control from 2005 to 2009 and vice dean of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2009. He is involved in research pertaining to the flow measurement and instrumentation, fluid induced vibration and noise control, micro and nano technology, applied fluid mechanics. He is the author or co-author of over 200 scientific articles and more than 100 pieces of papers which has been indexed by SCI/EI. He holds 45 patents and is a warded 6 national and provincial prizes of science and technology progress.


Other Appointments

Vice dean, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University


Professional Activities

Senior Member of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society

Member of IEEE



1996-1999, the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leoben, with the title “Doctor of Engineering”.

1997-1990, the Department of Agricultural Machinery, Southwest University, with the title “Master of science”.

1978-1982, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sichuan University, with the title “Bachelor of science”.


Working Experience

2009-, Professor and vice dean, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University

2005-2009, Professor and director, the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University. 

1991-1996, Associate professor, the Department of Agricultural Machinery, Southwest University.

1982-1991, Assistant professor, the Department of Agricultural Machinery, Southwest University.


Awards and Honors

Awarded First Prize of Science & Technology Progress by the Ministry of Education in 2000.

Awarded First Prize of Zhejiang Provincial Science & Technology Progress in 2001

Awarded Second Prize of Zhejiang Provincial Science & Technology Progress in 2002

Awarded Second Prize of National Science & Technology Progress in 2003

Awarded Second Prize of Zhejiang Provincial Science & Technology Progress in 2004

Awarded First Prize of Science & Technology Progress by the Ministry of Education in 2005


Research Interests

Flow measurement and instrumentation

Fluid induced vibration and noise control

Micro and nano technology

Applied fluid mechanics


Current Projects

1)        Immersion control system for 65nm immersion lithographySMEE Project

2)        Investigation of fluid behavior in servo-electro-hydraulic system973 Project, No. 2006CB705405

3)        Research on Fluid Measurement and Control Technology in IC EquipmentInternational S&T Cooperation Program of China, No. 2008DFR70410

4)        Effects of immersion flow field and nano bubble on the resolution of  45 nm immersion lithographyNSFC Project, No. 91023015


Publication List

1)        Xin Fu, Sufen Liu, Xiaodong Ruan, Huayong Yang, Research on staggered oriented ridges static micromixers, Sensors and Actuators B, 114 (2006) : 618-624

2)        X. Fu, L. Hu, J. Zou, H. Y. Yang, X. D. Ruan, C. Y. Wang, Divisionally analytical reconstruction of the magnetic field around an electromagnetic velocity probe, Sensors and Actuators A,2009.03,Vol. 150,No.1,12–23

3)        X. Fu, L. Hu, K. M. Lee, H. Y. Yang, Dry calibration of electromagnetic flowmeters based on numerical models combining multiple physical phenomena (multiphysics), Journal of Applied Physics, 2010.10, Vol.108, Issue 8, 108, 083908

4)        Peng JG, Fu X, Chen Y, Response of a swirlmeter to oscillatory flow, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2008.4, 19 (2): 107-115

5)        Wenyu Chen, Ying Chen, Jun Zou, Xin Fu, Huayong Yang, Xiaodong Ruan, Guofang Gong, Effect of liquid dispensing on flow field for immersion lithography, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology (B), 2009.9,Vol.27, No.5. 1071-1023

6)        L Hu, J Zou, X Fu, H Y Yang, X D Ruan and C Y Wang, A reconstruction approach to determine the magnetic field around an electromagnetic velocity probe, Measurement Science and Technology, 20(2009)015103(7pp)

7)        L. Hu, J. Zou, X. Fu, H. Y. Yang, X. D. Ruan, C. Y. Wang, Divisionally analytical solutions of Laplace’s equations for dry calibration of electromagnetic velocity probes, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009.07, Vol 33, No.7, 3130-3150

8)        L. Hu, K.-M. Lee, and X. Fu, A Generalized Method for Reconstructing the Magnetic Field Distribution of an Electromagnetic Mechatronic System, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 2009.2030795

9)        Huang S, Ruan XD, Zou J, Fu X, Yang HY, Thermal conductivity measurement of submicrometer-scale silicon dioxide films by an extended micro-Raman method, Microsystem Technologies, 2009.6, 15(6): 837-842

10)    Huang S, Ruan XD, Zou J, Fu X, Yang HY,      Raman Scattering Characterization of Transparent Thin Film for Thermal Conductivity Measurement, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2009, 23(3): 616-621

11)    L. Hu, K.-M. Lee, X. Fu, A method based on measured boundary conditions for reconstructing the magnetic field distribution of an electromagnetic mechatronic system, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 2010.8, Vol.15. No. 4, 595-602

12)    Liang Hu, Kok-Meng Lee, Jun Zou, Xin Fu, Hua-Yong Yang, Adaptive measurement for automated field reconstruction and calibration of magnetic systems, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2010.11, Volume.PP, Issue 99, 1- 11

13)    L. Hu, J. Zou, X. Fu, X. D. Ruan, C. Y. Wang, Analytical calculation of the measuring error of an electromagnetic velocity probe caused by a side channel wall, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2010.10, Volume.21, Issue 4, 435-442

14)    Fei Li, Weiting Liu, Cesare Stefanini, Xin Fu, Paolo Dario, A Novel Bioinspired PVDF Micro/Nano Hair Receptor for a Robot Sensing System, Sensors, 2010, Vol.10, NO.1, 994-1011

15)    Jian Kang, Xin Fu, and Weiting Liu, Paolo Dario, Investigation on Microheat Pipe Array with Arteries, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, DOI: 10.2514/1.49913

16)    Chen WY, Fu X, Zou J, Yang HY, Ruan XD, Gong GF, Investigation on the critical velocity for liquid loss in immersion lithography, Microelectronic Engineering, 2010, 87(5-8), 1070-1073

17)    Chen H, Fu X, Zou J, Yang HY, Ruan XD, Gong GF, Modeling fluid velocity response for wafer scanning in immersion lithography, Microelectronic Engineering, 2010, 87(5-8), 1082-1085

18)    J Zou, X Fu, X D Ruan, et al, A mobile contactless temperature-measuring device for laminar cooling process of hot strips, Experimental Techniques, 2010, Vol.34, No.1, 63-69

19)    Jun Zou, Peng Fei Wang, Ting Rong Zhang, Xin Fu, and Xiaodong Ruan, Experimental study of a drop bouncing on a liquid surface, Physics of Fluids, 2011.4, Vol.23, 044101

20)    L.J. Wang, L. Hu, Z.C. Zhu, P. Ye, X. Fu, Analytical calculation of sensitivity for Coriolis mass flowmeter, Measurement, 44 (2011) , 1117–1127


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