WANG Yancheng


Basic information

Teacher Name:Yancheng Wang
Job title:Associate Professor


      Dr. Yancheng Wang is an Associate Professor in School of Mechanical Engineering at Zhejiang University.  He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Zhejiang University. Prior to joining ZJU, Dr. Wang was a postdoctoral research fellow in Mechanical Engineering at University of Michigan under the advisement of Professor Albert Shih.

His research interests include medical design and manufacturing, biomechatronics, micromanufacturing, 3D bio-printing. He has authored or co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed research papers. Among his research accomplishments are five best paper awards from ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), IEEEInternational Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA/ICAL),International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (ICFDM), International Conference on Wearable Sensors and Robots (ICWSR),KSMTE International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (ICMTE).

Selected Journal Papers: 

J1.Yancheng Wang, Weisi Li, Peidong Han, Marco Giovannini, Kornel Ehmann, Albert Shih. Contributions in medical needle technologies- geometry, mechanics, design and manufacturing, Machining Science and Technology, 2016. 20(1): 1-43.

J2.Yancheng Wang, Guanhao Liang, Deqing Mei, Zichen Chen. Flexible Tactile Sensor Array Mounted on the Curved Surface: Analytical Modeling and Experimental Validation, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2017, 26(5): 1002-1011.

J3.Yancheng Wang, Yaoguang Shi, Deqing Mei, and Zichen Chen, Wearable Thermoelectric Generator for Harvesting Heat on the Curved Human Wrist, Applied Energy, 2017.

J4.Yaoguang Shi,Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, and Zichen Chen, Numerical Modeling of the Performance of Thermoelectric Module with Polydimethylsiloxane Encapsulation, International Journal of Energy Research, 2017.

J5.Yancheng Wang, Kailun Xi, Deqing Mei, Guanhao Liang and Zichen Chen, A Flexible Tactile Sensor Array based on Pressure Conductive Rubber for Contact Force Measurement and Slip Detection, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 7, 2016, pp. 378-385.

J6.Yaoguang Shi,Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Bo Feng, and Zichen Chen, Design and Fabrication of Wearable Thermoelectric Generator Device for Heat Harvesting, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018. (Previously presented at IEEE CASE conference 2017)

J7.Yancheng Wang, Dai Xue, Deqing Mei, Zhaoxin Deng. Patterned Microstructure Array Fabrication by Using a Novel Standing Surface Acoustic Wave Device, ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, 2018.(Previously presented at ASME MSEC conference 2017)

J8.Yancheng Wang, Roland K. Chen, Bruce L. Tai, Albert J. Shih. Study of the guidewire suturing of soft tissue using a haptic position measurement system, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 137, 2015, p. 041004.

J9.Ying Luo, Yancheng Wang, Bruce L. Tai, Albert J. Shih. Bone Geometry on the Contact Stress in the Shoulder for Evaluation of Pressure Ulcers: Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Validation, Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 37, 2015, pp. 187-194.

J10.Yancheng Wang, Roland K. Chen, Bruce L. Tai, and Albert J. Shih, Optimal needle design for minimal insertion force and bevel length, Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 36, 2014, pp. 1093-1100.

J11.Yancheng Wang, Weisi Li, Albert J. Shih. Characterization of the nonwoven polishing wheel topography by nano-CT scanning, CIRP Annuals- Manufacturing Technology, vol. 63, 2014, pp. 541-544.

J12.Yancheng Wang, Bruce L. Tai, Hongwei Yu, Albert Shih. Silicone-based tissue-mimicking phantom for needle insertion simulation. ASME Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 8, 2014, pp. 021001-7.

J13.YihaoZheng, Yancheng Wang, Roland K Chen, Sagar Deshpande, Noah S Nelson, Steven R Buchman, Albert J Shih. Tissue transformation mold design and stereolithography fabrication, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2017.

J14.Deqing Mei, Dai Xue, Yancheng Wang, Shaochen Chen. Undulate microarray fabrication on polymer film using standing surface acoustic waves and ultraviolet polymerization, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, 2016, pp. 241911-4.

J15.Guanhao Liang, Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Kailun Xi, Zichen Chen. An analytical model for studying the structural effects and optimization of a capacitive tactile sensor array, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 26, 2016, p. 045007.

J16.Weisi Li, Yancheng Wang, Valens Nteziyaremye, Hitomi Yamaguchi, Albert J. Shih. Measurement of the friction force inside the needle in biopsy, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 138, 2016, p. 031003.

J17.Guanhao Liang, Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Kailun Xi, Zichen Chen. Flexible capacitive tactile sensor array with pyramid array for three-axis force measurement. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 24, 2015, pp. 1510-1519.

J18.Guanhao Liang, Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Kailun Xi, Zichen Chen. A modified analytical model to study the sensing performance of a flexible capacitive tactile sensor array. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 25, 2015, p. 035017.

J19.Yaoguang Shi, Deqing Mei, Zhehe Yao, Yancheng Wang, Haiyan Liu, Zichen Chen. Nominal power density analysis of thermoelectric pins with non-constant cross sections. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 97, 2015, pp. 1-6.

J20.Guanhao Liang, Deqing Mei, Yancheng Wang, Yu Dai, Zichen Chen, Modeling and analysis of a capacitive tactile sensor array for normal force measurement, IEEE Journal of Sensors, vol. 14, 2014, pp. 4095-4103.

J21.Roland K. Chen, Yancheng Wang, Bruce L. Tai, Albert J. Shih. The haptic position measurement of soft or compliant objects using the magnetic tracking system, Manufacturing Letters, vol. 1, 2013, pp. 17-20.

J22.Yancheng Wang, Christopher Spangler, Bruce L. Tai, and Albert J Shih, Positional Accuracy and Transmitter Orientation Sensitivity of the 3D Electromagnetic Tracking System, Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 24, 2013, pp. 105105.

J23.Yancheng Wang, Bruce L. Tai, Mackenzie Van Loon, and Albert J. Shih, Grinding the Sharp Tip in Thin NiTi and Stainless Steel Wires, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 62, 2012, pp. 53-60.

J24.Yancheng Wang, Bruce L. Tai, Roland K. Chen, and Albert J. Shih, The Needle with Lancet Point – Geometry for Needle Tip Grinding and Tissue Insertion Force, ASME Journal of Manufacture Science and Engineering, vol. 135, 2013, pp. 041010.

J25.Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Zichen Chen. Piezoresistive slot-cantilever type accelerometer inspired from spider’s slit sensilla. Sensor Letters, vol. 9, 2011, pp. 1309-1315.


Selected Conference Papers: 

C1.Yancheng Wang, Dai Xue, Deqing Mei, Zhaoxin Deng, 2017, Patterned Microstructure Array fabrication by using a novel standing surface acoustic wave device, 2017 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.

C2.Yancheng Wang, Zongkai Yu, Deqing Mei, Dai Xue, 2017, Fabrication of Micro-wavy Patterned Surfaces for Enhanced Cell Culturing, 2017 3rd CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing, USA.

C3.Yaoguang Shi, Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Bo Feng, Zichen Chen, Design and Fabrication of Wearable Thermoelectric Generator Device for Heat Harvesting,2017 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Xian, China.

C4.Yancheng Wang, Guanghao Liang, Deqing Mei, Lingfeng Zhu, Zichen Chen, 2016, A Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array with High Scanning-Speed for Distributed Contact Force Measurement, The 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2016, pp. 854-857.

C5.Yancheng Wang, Kailun Xi, Deqing Mei, 2016, Slip Detection in Prosthetic Hand Grasping by using the Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis, 2016 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Canada.

C6.Albert Shih, Bruce Tai, Roland Chen, Lei Chen, YihaoZheng, Yancheng Wang, 2016, Video Enriched Pedagogy in Manufacturing Processes, 2016 Proc. Of the 44th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Blacksburg, VA, USA.

C7.Yancheng Wang, Guanhao Liang, Deqing Mei, 2016, Analytical Model to Study the Sensing Performance of Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array, The 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, 2016. (awarded the Best Paper)

C8.Kailun Xi, Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Guanghao Liang, Zichen Chen, 2015, A Flexible Tactile Sensor Array based on Pressure Conductive Rubber for Three-Axis Force and Slip Detection, 2015 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2015), Korea.

C9.Guanghao Liang, Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Kailun Xi, Zichen Chen, 2015 Preliminary Experimental Study on the Sensing Performance of a Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array Mounted on Curved Surfaces, 2015 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2015), Korea.

C10.Yancheng Wang, Kailun Xi, Deqing Mei, ZhihaoXin, Zichen Chen, 2015, Three-axis contact force measurement of a flexible tactile sensor array for hand grasping applications, 2015 International Conference on Wearable Sensors and Robots (ICWSR), China. (awarded the Best Paper)

C11.Valens Nteziyaremye, Yancheng Wang, Weisi Li, Albert Shih, Hitomi Yamaguchi, 2014, Surface finishing of needles for high-performance biopsy, Procedia CIRP, 2014, 14: 48-53.

C12.Yancheng Wang, Roland K. Chen, Bruce L. Tai, Albert J. Shih, 2014, Five-plane lancet needle tips design, grinding, and soft tissue insertion, 2014 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.

C13.Yancheng Wang, Bing Yan, Albert J. Shih. 2014, Non-woven wheel polishing of Ti-6Al-4V and Co-Cr-Mo alloys, 2014 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.

C14.Roland K. Chen, Lei Chen, Yancheng Wang, Albert J. Shih, 2014, Additive Manufacturing of Personalized Ankle-Foot Orthosis, 2014 SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Michigan.

C15.Bruce L. Tai, FumitakeNonoyama, Yancheng Wang, Albert J. Shih, 2014, Enhancement of Kirschner wire for bone drilling, 2014 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.

C16.Yancheng Wang, Kailun Xi, Guanhao Liang, Yu Dai, Deqing Mei, Zichen Chen. 2014, A flexible capacitive tactile sensor array for prosthetic hand real-time contact force measurement, IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation: 937-942. (awarded the Best Paper in Automation, Best paper Finalist)

C17.Yancheng Wang, Weisi Li, Peidong Han, Marco Giovannini, KornelEhmann, Albert Shih. Advances in medical needle technologies- geometry, mechanics, design and manufacturing, 2014 International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, Sep. 30-Oct. 2, Jeju KAL Korea. (awarded the Best Oral Session Paper)

C18.Bruce L. Tai, Yancheng Wang, Albert J. Shih. 2013, Cutting force in hollow needle insertion of soft tissue, 2013 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Madison, Wisconsin. (awarded the Best Paper)

C19.Yancheng Wang, Roland K. Chen, Bruce L. Tai, Albert J. Shih. 2013, A haptic position measurement system for compliant objects and an application in guidewire stitching of soft tissue, 2013, SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Madison, Wisconsin.

C20.Yancheng Wang, Mackenzie van Loon, Christopher Spangler, Bruce L-J Tai, Jason Z. Moore, Kai Xu, and Albert J Shih, 2012, “The Needle with Lancet Point – Geometry for Tip Grinding and Tissue Insertion Force”, 2012 International Conference on Micromanufacturing (ICoMM): 159-165.

C21.Yancheng Wang, Mackenzie van Loon, Bruce L-J Tai, Kai Xu, and Albert J Shih, 2012, “Grinding the Sharp Tip in Thin NiTi and Stainless Steel Wires for Medical Devices”, 2012 International Conference on Micromanufacturing (ICoMM): 152-158.

C22.Yancheng Wang, Bruce L-J Tai, Roland K. Chen, Albert J. Shih. 2012, Tissue cutting mechanics and applications for needle core biopsy and guidance. 2012 IFMM, China.

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