SHEN Hongyao


Basic information
Teacher Name:Hongyao SHEN
Job title:Associate Professor,Ph.D.


Hongyao SHEN    Ph.D., Associate Professor

Cell Phone: 86-13575467321


WeChat ID: shenhongyaozju

Mailing AddressEngineering Training Center, Room 201, Zhejiang UniversityZijingangCampus,No.866. Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, 310058, P.R. China


Jan.2015 – Present       Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering

Oct.2012–Dec.2014    Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Assistant Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Oct.2010 –Sep.2012   Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Manufacturing Engineering

Jul.2011 – Jul.2012      University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Postdoctoral Researcher, Manufacturing Automation Laboratory

Sep.2005 – Sep.2010  Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation

Sep.2001 – Jun.2005   Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Bachelor Candidate, Mechanical Engineering and Automation


nResearch in High Performance CNC Machining

ØTrajectory Generation In 3-5 Axes Machining

ØTool Path Generation for Complex Surfaces

nResearch in Additive Manufacturing

ØSLM Based Magnesium Alloy Additive Manufacturing

ØSupport Free Additive Manufacturing Equipment & Technology

ØAdditive & Subtractive Hybrid ManufacturingTechnology


nHongyaoShen, Jianzhong Fu, LinZhiwei, Five-axis trajectory generation based on kinematic constraints and optimisation, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 28(2015), Issue 3, P266-277.

nHongyaoShen, Jianzhong Fu, Yong He, Xinhua Yao, On-line Asynchronous Compensation Methods for static/quasi-static error implemented on CNC machine tools, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 60 (2012) 14-26.

nShenHongyao, Fu Jianzhong and Chen Zichen, Axis-based look-ahead interpolator for machining of surfaces represented by NURBS curves, Machining Science And Technology, V12(2008), Issue 4, P546-562.

nShenHongyao, Fu Jianzhong and Chen Zichen, Generation of offset surface for tool path in NC machining through Level Set Methods, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, V46(2010), Issue 9-12, P1043-1047.

nHongyaoShen, Jianzhong Fu, Zichen Chen, WenfengGan, Cutter location determination for complex surface based on double offset surfaces in ball-end milling, Advanced Science Letters, V4(2011), Issue 8-10, P3140-3145.

nHongyaoShen, Jianzhong Fu, Yongqiang Fan, A new adaptive interpolation scheme of nurbs based on axis dynamics, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, V56(2011), Issue 1-4, P215-221.

nHongyaoShen, Xinhua Yao, Jianzhong Fu, Smooth non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) machining with kinematic limit for short linear segments, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, V24(2011), Issue 12, P1103-1116.

nLin Zhiwei, ShenHongyao*, GanWenfeng, Fu Jianzhong, Approximate tool posture collision-free area generation for five-axis CNC finishing process using admissible area interpolation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2012. 62(9-12): p. 1191-1203.

nSun Yangfan, ShenHongyao*, Fu Jianzhong, Generating efficient toolpath by cutter posture optimization in five-axis machining based on inverse feedback mechanism. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017. 92(5-8):p. 1551-1566.

nSun Yangfan, ShenHongyao*, Fu Jianzhong, ShaJianfeng, A new toolpath generation method with feed sensitive zones inspection based on inverse evaluation mechanism,International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017. 30(9): 926-942.

nSun Yangfan, ShenHongyao*, Fu Jianzhong, Research on inverse evaluation mechanism in toolpath generation based on global interpolation simulation, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 79(5-8), P1265-1283.

nShenHongyao, Fu Jianzhong, Chen Zichen, NURBS Interpolator Based on Dynamic Property of the Machine Tool, Key Engineering Materials, 2009,V 392-394, P 355-360

nShenHongyao, Fu Jianzhong, Chen Zichen, Embedded system of temperature testing based on DS18B20, International Technology and Innovation Conference, ITIC2006, Hangzhou, China, 2006.11.5, 2006;P2223-2226

nShenHongyao, Fu Jianzhong, Chen Zichen, Axial self-adaptability based curve interpolation algorithm, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2010, 44(1): P23-28


nResearch on the five-axis surface direct interpolation based on the tool paths generation driven by the on-machine workpiece posture, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51475421), 2014

nTopology Adaptive Tool Path Generation Method based on Level Set Method, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51105335),2011

n3-5 axis surfaces machining oriented non-interference cutter location dynamically generation by Level Set Method, Postdoctoral Science Fund of China (No.2012T50511), 2012

nResearch on cutter location generation for free-form surface based on dynamic interface tracking technology without self-intersection, Postdoctoral Science Fund of China (No. 20110490180), 2011

nAdditive and subtractive hybrid manufacturing technology based on workpiece posture flexible adjustment and equipment development, Key research and development plan of Zhejiang Province (No. 2018C01073), 2017

nClamping position and posture driven tool path generation based on the SDI mechanism, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, (No. LY14E050014), 2014

nIntelligent planning method for surfaces machining based on the feedback information from interpolation level, Fundamental Research Fundsfor the Central Universities(No.2014QNA4004), 2014

nResearch on the key technology of integrated mechanism for CAM/CNC surface direct interpolation, Foundation of State Key Lab of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, (No.SKLoFP_QN_1404), 2014

nHigh precision 5-axis CNC system based on graphics driving technology, Key S&T innovation research group of Zhejiang Province (No. 2009R50008), 2010


nSupport equipment for 3D printing and 3D printing method, ShenHongyao, Ye Xiaoxiang, Sun Jiazhen, ZouYifei, Zhu Yuhe, ZL2016101570302, 2017.09.29

nNon-contact thermal induced deformation measurement device for double spindle guide grinding machine, ShenHongyao, Fu Jianzhong, He Yong, Yao Xinhua, GanWenfeng, ZL201010231749.9, 2012.07.18

nExternal thermal error compensation controller for CNC machine tools based on assistant encodes, ShenHongyao,  He Yong, Yao Xinhua, Fu Jianzhong, ZL 201310301497.6, 2015.09.30

nloader and unloader structure for turning center, ShenHongyao,  He Yong, Yao Xinhua, Fu Jianzhong,ZL 201310299596.5, 2015.09.30

Zhejiang University       |       866 Yuhangtang Road | Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310058       |       P. R. China | Fax : 571-88981358
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