Design and Manufacturing of Advanced Needles for Tissue Cutting and Biopsy


Report: Design and Manufacturing of Advanced Needles for Tissue Cutting and Biopsy 

Reporter: Pro. Albert Shih 

Time: May 23rd, 3:30-4:30PM

Address: Meeting Room on the Fourth Floor of Old Hydraulic Building, Yuquan campus, Zhejiang University





Design and Manufacturing of Advanced Needles for Tissue Cutting and Biopsy

Albert Shih, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of MichiganNeedle is one of the most common features in medical devices and utilized widely in minimally invasive procedures.  This presentation summarizes our research in needle design and manufacturing for biopsy, which is a key function of the needle.  Biopsy is a tissue cutting process.  Most of the current biopsy needles are sub-optimal to efficiently acquire adequate tissue samples.  This has resulted the high non-diagnostic and false-negative rate in diagnosis.  The tissue cutting mechanics, which study the sharp blade cutting the soft tissue, will first be introduced.  Effects of the inclination angle and chip flow angle in oblique cutting of tissue are discussed.  This research leads to better needle tip cutting edge geometry that enables more efficient biopsy.  Grinding processes and mathematical modeling of the setup for needle tip grinding are presented to demonstrate theintegration of design and manufacturing for needles.  This talk isconcluded by presenting a series of anatomically-accurate simulatorsvalidation of our advanced needle biopsy (and guidance) research aswell as for clinical training.


Bio:Albert Shih, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, BiomedicalEngineering, Associate Director of the Medical Innovation Center,Director of Global Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.  After received his PhD degree atPurdue Univ. in 1991, Dr. Shih worked at Cummins Inc. at Columbus,Indiana as a manufacturing engineer to develop advanced machiningprocess for a wide variety of diesel engine applications.  From 1998to 2002, he was Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanicaland Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University. He joinedUniversity of Michigan (UM) in 2003. Dr. Shihs research and teachinginterests are in design and manufacturing. Currently, Professor Shih'sresearch and teaching focus are in biomedical design andmanufacturing. He works closely with collaborators in the MedicalSchool and is a co-founder of the Medical Innovation Center.Professor Shih is the Fellow of ASME and SME.

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