Photon-Assisted Bio- and Nano-Manufacturing: Processes, Devices, & Tissue Engineering


Report Title: Photon-Assisted Bio- and Nano-Manufacturing:Processes, Devices, & Tissue Engineering
Time: 9:00-10:30AM, Jun. 28rd
Address: Conference Room in the Old Building of the Institute of Mechatronic Control Engineering
Photon-Assisted Bio- and Nano-Manufacturing:
Processes, Devices, & Tissue Engineering
Shaochen Chen, Ph.D. Professor
NanoEngineering Department, University of California, San Diego
Lasers and optics are becoming important tools for medicine and life sciences applications. However, the diffraction limit of light has been a bottleneck for laser/light materials processing and imaging in a nanoscale. The goal of our laboratory is to investigate light-matter interactions at extremely short time and length scales and develop advanced micro/nano-systems for applications in biomedical engineering and the life sciences. In this talk, I will discuss my laboratory’s recent research efforts in nanoscale optical manipulation and nanomanufacturing. I will also present several on-going projects in using such advanced micro/nano-fabrication methods for the development of biomedical micro/nano-devices like 3-D scaffolds for tissue growth and advanced tool kits with nanoscale control of growth factors and topography for nerve regeneration.
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