Undergraduates Majors


Mechatronic  Engineering

Mechatronic engineering is a national important subject and depends on the institute of mechatronic control engineering of ZJU. And it has the key lab of fluid transmission and control and the electric fluid control technology, engineering research center, and also is one of the first major that can enroll doctors and masters. The major has the ability of cultivating advanced engineering personnel and research personnel who are able to combine mechanical industrial automation technology, modern electronic technology, automatic control technology and computer application technologies. They can also be engaged in work such as mechanical electronic, mechanical robots, electric fluid pneumatic control equipment design and development, and the electrical and mechanical equipment operations management and signal process. Our students are welcomed by all circles both at home and abroad, and every year, 60% of the graduates are recommended as masters or masters with doctor’s degree directly or become masters by attending the entrance exams. The condition for further education is very good. In addition, there are some graduates are able to go abroad. Also, our graduates receive good evaluations from the employer companies and can’t meet the demand in long time.

This major belongs to the mechatronic engineering, which is leaded by the Chinese academy of sciences, Chinese academy of engineering of China, professor--Lu Yongxiang. After years of training and accumulation, we have developed a high level, dynamic, and interdisciplinary education and research team, with 13 doctor tutors, 16 professors, and 24 doctor degree holders coming from 5 countries. And we also have more than 300 post doctors, doctors, masters and guest professionals.

Mechatronic engineering disciplines engage to meet the national strategy demand and promote discipline development and serve for economic growth and national security and national defense construction. And its target is to build” the top echelon of the people, the quality of education, the scientific research and first-class results transition into goals”. in aspects like scientific research and talent training, the construction and open communication, we have achieved outstanding results. the invention was awarded the second and third prize each once, and one first and two second prizes of National science and technology progress. Besides, we won 6 first prizes, 18 second prizes, and 26 third prizes for provincial technology awards, have 69 patents for invention both national and international and published 20 books including graduate teaching and professional ones as well as more than 1000 academic papers, including more than 200 SCI and EI papers. We have trained 90 doctoral masters, 298 post graduates, 21 post doctors. The key lab of the fluid transmission and control has a bunch of international advanced level of the test apparatus, equipment and provides the domestic and international class teaching and research condition. Our major establishes a comprehensive training program of undergraduate education, on the base of deep foundation, wide requirements and focused on practical usage; strengthen the education of knowledge of electronics, computer, automation control techniques, thus foster interdisciplinary, compound and advanced technical personnel. Professional curriculum has  public foundation courses, mechanics series of course, mechanical engineering series of course, the electrical and electronics series of course, testing and the automatic control  courses, computer application courses and operation and management courses, etc. The ratio of electronic technology, computer application technologies, control technology courses with mechanical ones is approx the same.

The major continues to close relationship between teaching and research .In the past five years, We have done more than 300 research projects including the national natural science fund and the state 863 program and the state science and technology plan, national defense military programs, etc. completing research found more than 90 million Yuan . These projects have accumulated rich experience for teachers and research personnel as well as for a wealth of material for educational work. What’s more, on one hand, teacher can combine the latest scientific knowledge with their courses and teach them to students. On the other hand, they provide practical opportunities for excellent students. And we also encourage students to enter the profession as soon as possible, and students have their own supervisor guiding them in scientific research work. During the graduation design process, all topics of the students’ are part of the research projects. This mechanism not only provides students with good practice opportunities, but fosters the students’ interest in research and improves their scientific ability.

The professional establishes complete production practice stage to improve the practice ability. In addition to the traditional metalworking, the course and production practices, we also have the professional knowledge practice and social practice. And establishes a group of firm internship basements with shanghai Baogang, hangzhou turbines factory, the oxygen machine factory, Wangxiang group. Besides these outside school internships, in accordance with scientific research project and courses needs for students, we have a lot of relevant experiment courses, Such as the two joints mechanical hands control experiments, the big test control experiments of PLC pneumatic systems, and electronic amplifiers principles and interface design and microcomputer technology and automation to remove the device, the computer software design and development, calculated the experiment, etc.

Tightly around the aim of training the students practice and innovation ability, we take the initiative to cooperate with the relevant departments to carried out the overall quality education to the students. We emphasis on promoting students' correct world outlook and methodology of science and comprehensive knowledge and body health, and the ability using knowledge to innovate and practice and the ability of foreign exchange, and team and cooperation spirit and cultural refinement, etc.

Young and vibrant teachers, perfect training programs for undergraduates and advanced experiment equipments, research direction adaptable to the social development need and fruitful results of scientific research, the sufficient scientific research projects and funds ,all these conditions create a very good advantage for training personnel.

         ▲contact way

Li Xin:                          vortexdoctor@zju.edu.cn

Ouyang Xiaoping:     ouyangxp@zju.edu.cn 

Website:                     http://sklofp.zju.edu.cn/imce/cn/ 

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical extend the ability of human organs, which makes man be the rulers of the earth.

In modern days, Mechanical has come to pervade every aspect of our life.

As one of the five elements of social production and service including man, found, energy, material and mechanical, mechanical should be used in every field of modern-day production and engineering.

Students, welcome to the world of mechanical engineering!

Mechanical engineering and automation of ZJU cultivates students to be interdisciplinary personnel who are equipped with solid knowledge of designing, manufacturing, automation and management of mechanical-electrical integration production and system.

Depending on the CAD&CG national key laboratory, the key research lab of advanced manufacturing technology of Zhejiang province, graphics national technology education base as well as the openingelectromechanical innovative designing and practice base etc, and with the foundation of those key labs and bases as well as the investment of the national “resurgent action plan”, 211 engineering, loan from the World Bank and the funding for key subjects, this major has many international advanced experiment equipments and the first level educational conditions. We also have the national first level subject of doctors and postgraduates and postdoctoral research flow station, and the number of postgraduate freshmen has surpassed undergraduates providing the graduates with broad platform and a large number of excellent students can be recommended as postgraduates.

To improve the self-innovation ability of this field and cultivate a bunch of international first level innovation personnel, we found the perfect and rational teaching and training scheme for undergraduates---follow the international modern mechanics development direction on the base of deep foundation, wide requirements and focused on practical usage; strengthen the education of knowledge of electronics, computer, automation control techniques, Network synergies design and Advanced manufacturing technology and Modern management while the teaching of Mechanical engineering knowledge, thus foster interdisciplinary, compound and advanced technical personnel. In the teaching process we build the creative learning environment and emphasize the development of students' individual characters, and cultivate the research spirit, and develop the learning process into the combined process of study and discovery and creation. At the same time pay attention to promote students' correct world outlook and methodology and people's culture and teamwork spirit and cooperation spirit and communication ability, etc.

The major is focused on the development of scientific ability of students during the teaching process. In recent years, the discipline has been assumed hundreds of scientific research projects, including state natural science fund and the state 863 program and the state science and technology plan etc. and complete millions of dollars of researching work. These projects have accumulated rich experience for teachers and research personnel as well as for a wealth of material for educational work. Each senior student has a professor or vice professor as their tutor because of the abundant qualified teachers.  Each student has the opportunity to participate in research work, which provides a good exercise to help students develop innovative practices of scientific research and improve their ability to work and also provides a platform for the best students.

The graduates of our major have comprehensive and professional skills and knowledge of the dynamics in professional fields, and learning ability, practice and innovation ability, and project management skills, and have the comprehensive qualities and are also suitable for further study and have better employment front as well as perfect adaptable characteristics. In recent years, about 40% of the graduates go abroad or become postgraduates by recommendation or by attending the entrance examination for further study. The rest of the graduates are engaged in the manufacture and production management and technical research and technology development and management and administration work of electrical and mechanical equipment and its automation technology and major equipment design of the country, in the domestic and foreign companies and design institutes, research and high-tech companies and organizations which involves industries like mechanical and electronic, information, control. As china gradually develops into the world manufacturing center, our graduates receive good evaluations from the employer companies and can’t meet the demand in long time.

Primary curriculum has series of mechanics courses, series of mechanical engineering courses, series of the electronic courses, testing and control course, computer-aided design and manufacture courses, automatic and numerical control courses, operation and management courses, etc.

   ▲contact way
Yang Jiangxin:   0571-87953198  yangjx@zju.edu.cn
    Gu Daqiang:
      0571-87953298  gudq@zju.edu.cn


Industrial Engineering 


Do you want to do things more perfect and more beautiful? Then register for IE! She will teach you “how to find a better solution”. IE is the inter-discipline of natural science and social science and it has the obvious characters of the combined engineering professional and technology, management science and computer information technology. Modern industrial engineering incorporates the following high-techs such as the information technology, system engineering, and engineering psychology, engineering biology, economics and environment science, is a universal technology.

The core target of IE is cost, quality, efficiency and it analyses how to improve operation quality and efficiency from the point of system and human being and emphasizes three levels of working environment: safety, high efficiency and happiness and promote the social production by “efficiency engineering”, “OR and systematic science technology” and “Humanism technology” .

November, 2005, 13 academies of engineering of china gave the joint proposal to the government to promote the "modern industrial engineering” development. All the practice of developed countries shows that the spread and application of industrial engineering is a necessary way to new industrialization and it is also the foundation of upholding the people-oriented and proportionate development, and the government should pay high attention to it.

IE fosters comprehensive advanced management and information personnel who have not only solid engineering technology foundation but master modern-day management methods in order to satisfy the acute demand of 21st century’s knowledge economics. Graduates have a comprehensive ability of using modern management theory, the computer application technologies, modern manufacturing and engineering technology and the theory of systemic engineering. And they are suitable for all kinds of modern enterprises, services and government departments working on systematic analysis and design and planning, management, operation and information.

Industrial engineering has a history of more than a hundred years in foreign countries, and is one of the seven major engineering subjects. Our country didn’t start the study and promotion work of IE until the early 1990s, and neither in theory, technology or practical application, there is a big gap compared with foreign advanced countries. After the accession to WTO, the development of China's enterprises is in dire need of the theory and technical support of IE to radically improve our quality and competitiveness of enterprises’. With the improvement of   china's enterprises’ modernization and information level, and the international business competition pressure grew heavier after entering WTO, and more and more companies recognize the importance of IE. Particularly because of the great communist party of china "sixteenth principle" set up to the industrialization of information in promoting informatization industrial development strategy, brought up a huge demand for personnel with information and industrialization background.

Zhejiang university has begun to engage in the direction of IE professional personnel cultivation and scientific researches since the last 1980s. And launched into the system of research and wide application work In the fields of Enterprises information, CIMS, the net manufacturing, Business process management, Enterprises modeling, Quality engineering, ERP, SCM, CRM, EC, PDM and KM, and besides that, take a lot of national natural science fund and the 863 CIMS plan related projects. We also establish close contact with the universities and institutions in the United States, Germany and Hong Kong and frequently on academic communications and cooperation for IE. Each year we enroll more than 30 master degree graduates and doctoral grads, and the official enrollment of undergraduates began in 2003.  

The main courses of IE for undergraduate education include: public introductory course, IE basis, management, and OR and management information system, the economics, wirtschaftsrecht, systems analysis and design, systems modeling and simulation, production plan and control, logistics facility planning, the quality management and control and control engineering infrastructure and machinery manufacturing engineering and automation manufacturing system, the software development technology and management and communication, network marketing, human resource management, project management, Information systems security and enterprise strategic management,  etc. and some of the courses are taught in English.

Graduates of IE are popular with employer companies like foreign investments, joint ventures and the famous large enterprises (especially high-tech enterprises) and institutions of scientific researches because of their comprehensive knowledge and skills of engineering, management, and computer applications technologies and also because of their broad knowledge view and adaptability, thinking and solving problems in terms of system. Plus the excellent graduates can be recommended to get a master's degree, or a doctor degree.


        ▲contact way

   Tang Renzhong:     057187952048   87951145     tangrz@zju.edu.cn

   Chen Jixi:                chenjx@zju.edu.cn


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