Department of Mechanical Engineering was given the Prize of Special Contribution


The College of Mechanical Engineering was given the Prize of Special Contribution during Scientific research of Zhejiang University 2009 on Jan.18th.

The passed 2009 is the first year of the college. Although facing several external disadvantages, all teachers of the college have united under one banner to devote themselves to hard works, and realized new all-round breakthroughs and improvements, especially in the field of research.

The research fund of the college had a large increase last year. The number is 130 million in 2008, and it has a growth of 20% last year, reached 160 million, and therefore exceeded the index given by the university. In addition, the prize of the college had a great increase. The college won several Nation-level and Province-level prizes, as well as prizes in other areas last year. At last, the college realizes the optimization of research direction; it turns the services for common social demands to vital strategic demands of the country.

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