LIU Daxin


Basic information
Teacher Name:Daxin Liu
Job title:

Personal Information

       Daxin Liu, male, born in October 1982. He received the bachelor’s degree in engineering from Hefei University of Technology in 2003, majoring in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering (Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering), and received Doctor degree in engineering from Hefei University of Technology in 2009, majoring in Mechanical Manufacture and Automation. Now, he is a postdoctoral fellow in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University.


Research Interests

       His research interests mainly focus on digitalized product designing and manufacturing. He has made a more in-depth study about coordinate measuring machines (CMM) and computer-aided inspection planning (CAIP). Now, he mainly engaged in the compressor optimization design study based on the key performance simulation analysis.


Research Achievement


[1]   Dong Yude, Liu Daxin, Zhao Han, Wang Wanlong. CAD model-based intelligent inspection planning for coordinate measuring machines. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering  (Accepted)

[2]   Zhao Han, Liu Daxin, Dong Yude, Wang Wanlong. Development of CAD-based inspection planning system for CMM. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2009, 30(9): 1846–1853  (EI Compendex)

[3]   Liu Daxin, Dong Yude, Zhao Han, Wang Wanlong. Research and realization of a computer-aided inspection planning system based on 3D CAD and CMM. China Mechanical Engineering, 2009, 20(18): 2207–2213

[4]   Liu Daxin, Zhao Han, Dong Yude, Wang Wanlong. Collision-free inspection path generation for coordinate measuring machines. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2009, 21(6): 804–811  (EI Compendex)

[5]   Liu Daxin, Dong Yude, Zhao Han, Wang Wanlong. Adaptive sampling planning of general surfaces for coordinate measuring machines. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2009, 21(5): 700–707  (EI Compendex)

[6]   Dong Yude, Wang Yuxi, Liu Daxin, Wang Wanlong. Halton points sampling strategy and performance analysis for triangle plane [J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2007, 19(8): 1063-1068  (EI Compendex)

[7]   Wang Yuxi, Wang Wanlong, Dong Yude, Liu Daxin. Measure software MworksCAD based on coordinate measuring machine. Computer Aided Engineering, 2007, 16(2): 28-31, 37.

[8]   Wang Tiejun, Liu Daxin, Tang Jingchun. The study on heat and mass transfer of the fin-and-tube condenser with spray evaporating. Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Cryogenic and Refrigeration Engineering, Xi’an, 2003: 344–348


Software Copyright:

MWorks computer-aided inspectin software [short: MWorks] V2005, computer software copyright registration certificate, number: Ruan Zhu Deng Zi No. 049387, registration number: 2006SR01721, February 2006.


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