LI Lingfeng


Basic information

Teacher Name:Lingfeng Li
Job title:Associate Professor


1982-1986  Zhejiang University, Degree of the Bachelor of Science in Engineering,

Machinery Design and Manufacture

1986-1989 Zhejiang University, Master's Degree of Science,

 Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design

2005      Zhejiang University,Doctor of Engineering,Mechanical Engineering

2006    The University of Manchester, UK, Visiting Scholar



1989-1991  Zhejiang University, Assistant Lecturer

1991-1998  Zhejiang University, Lecturer

1998–present Zhejiang University, Associate Professor, Mentor of Masters Degree Candidate



He works as an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Zhejiang University. Heis a senior member of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society(CMES), and Committeeman of Standardization of Automation System and Integration Committee in China (SAC/TC159). His research area includes advanced manufacturing equipment, Precision transmission, visualization of engineering problems, digitalized design and experiment. Heact as leader in 12 projects granted by government and industrial, and 3 of them were awarded for advancement of science and technology by government. In recent years, 12 papers of his were published in periodicals and 9 of them were cited by SCI or EI


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