MA Liang


Basic information
Teacher Name:

Liang Ma

Job title:assistant professor




Dr Liang Ma got both B.Eng in Material Science & Engineering and B.Sc in Bioinformatics in Zhejiang University in 2005. After two years graduate study in Zhejiang California Nanosystems Institute (ZCNI) in Bioinformatics, he went to Department of Mechanical Engineering from University of Washington at Seattle to pursuit his Ph.D in Sep 2008 under the State Scholarship Fund support from China Scholarship Council (CSC). He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Washington (Supervisor: Prof Wei Li) in Mar 2012. He joined mechanical engineering department as postdoctor in University of Texas at Austin in Mar 2012, Then returned to China and joined ZCNI in Sep 2012 as research associate. He joined School of Mechanical Engineering in 2017 collaborated with Prof Huayong Yang and Prof Bin Zhang for 3D bioprinting. He is now the Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical engineering, Zhejiang University.


His research interests including high resolution 3D bioprinter development, 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs especially tumor in vitro models, organs-on-chip. He adopted genomics and proteomics approaches to analysis the fundamental gene and protein variations during 3D cell culture and bioprinting. He has published more than 20 journal papers and has more than 10 patents. He now severs as an editor for the journal of Bio-Design and Manufacturing.  




Ph.D. : Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington,  USA   

09/2008 – 03/2012, Advisor: Prof Wei Li


Postgraduate : Zhejiang California NanoSystems Institute, Bioinformtics, Zhejiang University, China

09/2006 – 06/2008, Advisor: Prof Biaoyang Lin and Prof Jia’an Cheng


B.Sc. : College of LifeScience, Bioinformatics, Zhejiang University, China

09/2002 – 06/2005


B.Eng. : School of Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Univeristy, China

09/2001-06/2005, Advisor: Prof Wenjian Weng


Work Experience:


Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China,   01/2019 -


Postdoctoral Scholar, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang Univesity,China,   01/2017 – 12/2018, Advisor: Prof Huayong Yang


Research Associate,  Zhejiang California NanoSystems Institute, Zhejiang University, China,   11/2014-12/2016


Postdoctoral Scholar, Zhejiang California NanoSystems Institute, Zhejiang University, China,   11/2012-10/2014, Advisor: Prof Biaoyang Lin


Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of  Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA, 04/2012-09/2012, Advisor: Prof Wei Li


Research interests

Development of 3D bioprinting systems with high precision and multiple DoF (degrees of freedom).

Vascularized skin tissue printing and the diagnosis of skin diseases based on deep learning.

The study of 3D bioprinting systems and method for corneal substitution with complex surface.

Control the alignment of cardiomyocytes and construct cardiac patch by 3D bioprinting.

The construction of tumor in vitro chip model and complex tissues and organs with integrated 3D bioprinting.


Selected Publications

1.        Liang Ma*, Bin  Zhang*, Changchun Zhou, Yuting Li, Binjie Li, Mengfei Yu, Yichen Luo, Lei Gao, Duo Zhang, Biaoyang Lin, qingchong Qiu, Huayong Yang“The comparison of genomics with Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells under 3D and 2D cultures” Colloids and Surfces B:Biointerfaces 2018, 172,665-673

2.  Bin Zhang#, Yicheng Luo#, Liang Ma#, Lei Gao, Yuting Li, Qian Xue, Huayong Yang*, Zhanfeng Cui“3D Bio-printingAn Emerging Technology Full of Opportunities and Challenges” , BioDesign & Manufacturing, 2018;1(1),1-12

3.    Bin Zhang, Lei Gao, Long Gu, Huayong Yang, Yichen Luo, Liang Ma* High-resolution deposition system for construction of cell-laden hydrogel scaffolds with high cell activities Procedia CIRP (EI) 2017,65,219-224

4.    Xuan Pei#, Liang Ma#, Boqing Zhang, Jianxun Sun, Yong Sun, Yujiang Fan, Zhongru Gou, Changchun Zhou and Xingdong Zhang,” Creating hierarchical porosity hydroxyapatite scaffold with osteoinduction by three-dimensional printing and microwave sintering.” Biofabrication, 2017, 9:045008.

5.    Qing GaoYong He*Jianzhong FuAn LiuLiang Ma “ Coaxial nozzle-assisted 3D bioprinting with built-in microchannels for nutrients delivery” Biomaterials, 2015 61:203-215.

6.    Liang Ma, Wei Jiang and Wei Li*. “Solvent free fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds with immiscible polymer blends.” International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Biomaterials, 2014.63(10):p1-8.

7.    Liang Ma, Jeremy BarkerBiaoyang Lin and Wei Li*. “The design and fabrication of a porous polymer-based three-dimensional cell culture devices for drug screening culture.” International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 2013.6(3): p.229-241.(EI)

8.    Liang Ma, Jeremy Baker, Changchun Zhou, Wei Li*, Jing Zhang, Biaoyang Lin*, Gregory Foltz, Jenni Küblbeck and Paavo Honkakoski. “Towards personalized medicine with A three-dimensional perfusion-based tissue-model system.” Biomaterials, 2012.33: p. 4353-4361.

9.    Changchun Zhou, Liang Ma, Wei Li* and Donggang Yao. “Fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds through solid-state foaming of immiscible polymer blends.” Biofabrication, 2011.3:045003.

10.    Liang Ma, Changchun Zhou, Biaoyang Lin and Wei Li*. “A porous 3D cell culture micro device for cell migration study.” Biomedical Microdevices, 2010.12(4): p. 753-60.


Total Publications:

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