
Basic information
Teacher Name:Yi Zhu
Job title:Associate Professor



Basic Information

Date of birth: Sep. 12, 1984

Affiliation: School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China

Address: ZhiquanBiulding, 38 Zheda Road, 310027 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Email: yiz@zju.edu.cn

Phone: +86 186 9458 0181


Jan, 2017-Now   Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University


Jul, 2016-Dec, 2016   Assistant Professor, State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University


Mar, 2014–Jul, 2016     Post-doc (with Prof. Huayong Yang)    Zhejiang University

Nov, 2013–Dec, 2013   Researcher, Department of Machine Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


Sep 2009 –Nov, 2013       KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

PhD in Machine design. Dissertation “Adhesion in the wheel-rail contact”

Supervisor: Prof. Ulf Olofsson


Sep 2007 – Jun 2010           Hefei University of Technology, China

Master degree in Vehicle Engineering.


Sep 2003 – Jun 2007           Hefei University of Technology, China

Bachelor degree in Vehicle Engineering


Research Interests

FromDecember 2017, Dr. Zhu was assigned as an associate editor of ASME-Journal of Tribology.


Dr. Zhu’s main research interests include interfaces, friction, and wear, mainly applied to problems in mechanical systems, such as the wheel-rail contact system, the tribo-pairs in hydraulic pumps and gears.His New research interests include the tribological performance of parts made by metaladditive manufacturing, develop the relation between tribological performance and electrical energy consumption of materials fabricated by metal additive manufacturing. He pioneered the work of studying the tribological performance of various material produced by selective laser melting under lubricated contacts.


Dr. Zhu has published more than 20 scientific papers in international journals (listed in the end)

He gave more than 10 oral presentations in international conferences, such as World Tribology Congress, Nordtrib, Contact Mechanics, IAVSD, including a state-of-the-art presentation “Tribology in the wheel-rail contact” in 23rd IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks.




List of journal publications

 (* refers to the corresponding author and † refers to the equivalent first author)

1.Y. Zhu, J. Zou*, X. Chen, H. Yang, Tribology of selective laser melting processed parts: Stainless steel 316L under lubricated conditions, Wear 350-351 (2016) 46-55


2.J. Zou†, Y. Zhu* †, M. Pan, T. Xie, X. Chen, H. Yang, A study on cavitation erosion behavior of AlSi10Mg fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM), Wear 376-377 (2017) 496-506


3.Y. Zhu*, The influence of iron oxides in wheel―rail contact: A literature review, IMechE Part F: J. of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2017, Online, doi:10.1177/0954409716689187


4.T. Peng, S. Xu, H. Zhang, Y. Zhu*, The influence of exposure time on energy consumption and mechanical properties of SLM fabricated parts, accepted for publication in the Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2017


5.Y. Zhu, J. Zou*, W.L. Zhao, X. Chen, H. Yang, A study on surface topography in cavitation erosion tests of AlSi10Mg, Tribology International 102 (2016), 419-428


6.Y. Zhu, X. Chen, J. Zou*, H. YangSliding wear of selective laser melting processed Ti6Al4V under boundary lubrication conditions, Wear 368-3692016485-495


7.Y. Zhu*, H. Yang, W. Wang, Twin-disc tests of iron oxides in dry and wet wheel-rail contacts, IMechE Part F: J. of Rail and Rapid Transit 230(4) (2016) 1066-1076


8.Y. Zhu, Y. Lyu*, U. Olofsson, Mapping the friction between railway wheels and rails focusing on environmental conditions, Wear 324-325 (2015) 122-128


9.Y. Zhu*, X. Chen, W. Wang, H. YangA study on iron oxides and surface roughness in dry and wet wheel-rail contacts, Wear 328-329 2015 241-248


10.Y. Lyu, Y. Zhu*, U. Olofsson, Wear between wheel and rail: A pin-on-disc study of environmental Conditions and iron Oxides, Wear 328-329 2015277-285


11.Y. Zhu, X. Chen*, J.Zou*, H. Yang,A study on the influence of surface topography on the low-speed tribological  performance of port plates in axial piston pumps, Wear 338-339 (2015) 406-417


12.Y. Zhu*, U. Olofsson, R. NilssonA field test study of leaf contamination on the rail head surfacesIMechE Part F: J. of Rail and Rapid Transit 228 (1) (2014) 71-84


13.Y. Zhu*, U. Olofsson, An adhesion model for wheelrail contact at the micro level using measured 3d surfacesWear 314 (1-2) (2014) 162-170,

14.Y. Zhu*, U. Olofsson, A.SöderbergAdhesion modeling in the wheel-rail contact under dry and lubricated conditions using measured 3D surfacesTribology International 61 (2013) 1-10


15.Y. Zhu*, U. Olofsson, K. PerssonInvestigation of factors influencing wheel-rail adhesion using a mini traction machineWear 292-293 (2012) 218-231


16.Y. Zhu*, U. Olofsson, H. Chen, Friction between wheel and rail: a pin-on-disc study of environmental conditions and iron oxides, Tribology Letters 52 (2013) 327-339


17.U. Olofsson*, Y. Zhu, S. Abbasi, R. Lewis, S. Lewis, Tribology of the wheelrail contact  aspects of wear, particle emission and adhesion, invited paper in Vehicle System Dynamics 51 (7) (2013) 1091-1120


18.R. Lewis*, S. Lewis, Y. Zhu, S. Abbasi, U. Olofsson, The Modification of a Slip Resistance Meter for Measurement of Railhead Adhesion, IMechE Part F: J. Rail and Rapid Transit 227 (2) (2013) 196-200


19.S. Abbasi*, U. Olofsson, Y. Zhu, U. Sellgren, Pin-on-disc study of the effects of railway friction modifiers on airborne wear particles from wheelrail contacts, Tribology International 60 (2013) 136-139


20.L. Ma, C.G. He, X.J. Zhao, J. Guo, Y. Zhu, W.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, X.S. JinStudy on wear and rolling contact fatigue behaviors of wheel/rail materials under different slip ratio conditionsWear 366-367201613-26


21.X. Chen, X. Ge, Y. Zhu*, H. Yang, A Study on Microstructure and Tribology Performance of Samples Processed by Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Online, doi:11.2187.TH.20170516.1213.004.


22.C. Peng, X. Ouyang*, Y. Zhu, S. Guo, Q. Zhou, H. Yang, Investigation into the influence of stretching on reciprocating rod seals based on a novel 3-D model vs axisymmetric model, Tribology International 117(2018), 1-14

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