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Our Department Gained Fruitful Achievements in the Social Practice in Summer Vocation, 2011



    In comparison of summer social practice of Zhejiang University, our department stood out from all the eligible units, and was awarded “Zhejiang University Excellent Organization Award in the Students Social Practice in Summer Vocation, 2011”.
    In the process of social practice, lots of excellent leaders emerged. The teacher of our department Xiang Shufang was awarded “Zhejiang University Excellent Instructor in the Students Social Practice in Summer Vocation, 2011”. Three teams of the department were awarded “Zhejiang University Excellent Social Practice Team in Summer Vocation”. And 8 students were awarded “Zhejiang University Advanced Individual in the Students Social Practice in Summer Vocation”.
Zhejiang University       |       866 Yuhangtang Road | Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310058       |       P. R. China | Fax : 571-88981358
© 2021 Zhejiang University.
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